27 April, 2013

Darmstadt uber alles

Darmstadt was uber chillin’ & uber kool! No gig, no worries, just a quick “rehearsal” and a giant omelette. We even had the time for a short morning walk, before we hit the road to Koln ( Tue 23/4).

After 2,5 hours we arrived at Sonic Ballroom, a really small club covered up with tons of stickers! There, we joined forced with Planet of Zeus!  The club had a great upstage area where we ate kind of german briam with broccoli, cheese & bacon! Great! 

All the Kolnians seemed to dig the Hiliomodian riffage and they were really friendly with us. Planet of Zeus rocked the place too! After the show we had some beers at the club and then we went upstairs to get some sleep. Next day we had to rock Utrecht too, so we began our trip after a short stop at a really, really, really BIG music store! This place was like heaven. We could stay there forever…

After 2 or 3 hours, we arrived at Utrecht where Themos waited for us! CLUB MATE also waited for us! We soundchecked and ate some vegan food. A lot of Greek guys showed up, supporting  us and Planet of Zeus. The venue there had some really cool lighting and smoke devices, enhancing the visual experience! The only problem was that every band should play around 30 minutes..  We loaded our super smelly van and headed to Themos’ place to have some doners and some rest.

London was our next stop, so we had to wake up at 6.30 in order to catch the ferry (Calais-Dover) and be on time. What do you think that happened?? 

a.       We were on time
b.      We were late so we did no proper soundcheck
c.       We were so late, that we didn’t play
d.      We cancelled London and stayed at Utrecht forever

Post a comment with your vote and win a 1000mods Tshirt!

We still need to unload the toilet of the van.

Greg Chour 25.04 19.34

1000mods thank Giorgos, Rene, Themis and Planet of Zeus.


  1. I would say B. And an awesome show at Cologne really Enjoyed it

  2. I won't answer.. it would be cheating :-P
