13 November, 2014

The Mitsulator: Folgen!

thumbs up for Lucern & Philipp

awesome salami in St. Gallen

rockin' Karlsruhe

setlist for Nijmegen gig  / Thank you Peter!

greatest toilet in Europe (Plu, Nijmegen, NL)

mohawk messaround in Amsterdam

macho immigrant

headbanging in Hamburg circa 1992

Greg Chour 13.11.14 11:32

09 November, 2014

Mind your head

Bratislavian messaround

In Wien, I had a mind-your-head accident 5 minutes before the show.. All vultures got anxious because of the bloodbath! They nursed me right and they were about to rock. Ever since I have a major problem in concentration and writing. So from this moment this blog will turn more into a photoblog...

backstage in Wien Arena

fussball in Dusseldorf

totally rocking out / hiliomodian spacefuzz heavy as fuck
 Desertfest Antwerp - photo by Themis

Greek immigrants messaround the Supervan

tourists invade in Antwerpen

grabsomebeer in Antwerpen

on the Scheldt river

Greg Chour 09.11.14 15:16